How is Your Emotional Selling Skillset?
October 31st, 2018 // Christian
Humans are emotional creatures and it has been proven that creating a positive emotional experience increases growth. “By implementing an emotional-connection-based strategy across the entire customer experience…” companies saw “…a 15% increase in the number of active customers and more than a 50% increase in the rate of same-store-sales growth.” (1)
So the question is how good are your sales people at connecting with customers on an emotional level? Gut check: If your people are not connecting with customers, sales is going to be an uphill battle.
Some sales managers point to their top performers, who don’t focus on connecting with customers, as a reason not to “waste time” teaching this to new hires. I get it. Just like there are world class athletes who can climb mountains and pull semi trucks by hand, there are those people who can make this uphill battle work for them. But it doesn’t scale.
If you try to train or hire these “world class athletes,” you’re going to find yourself frustrated with everyone you hire. “Why don’t they get it?” “Why are they not working hard enough?” “Why can’t I find more of him/her?” Trying to find unicorns is one of the reasons sales jobs are so hard to fill. Check out this chart from an article on the hardest roles to hire for:

If you want to see your employees connect with people, you often have to start by getting them to connect with themselves. One of the main things you will always hear us say to our trainees is, “The Only Thing Unique About Your Company Is YouTM.” We repeat this because sales people need to understand their value to the sale. When the majority of the value is built around the salesperson, the product/service becomes easier to sell.
So how do you get your employees to connect with themselves? One of the key factors that helps employees connect with customers is their confidence. We usually start this process by having people list five great things about them. We see that even the most experienced sales person can only list two-three things. If you take time with your employee to find those five things, you can see big returns in their confidence, that helps them connect better.
If you or your sales manager struggles with this, you can contact us. Our sales manager training and coaching does exactly that. We invest in your people so they learn how to invest in their team.